How to Promote Above the Bottom Line
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Click to tweet this β Business as usual is over. Check out one of my faves, @abovebottomline, to stay informed on how to prioritize people and the planet above profits.
Click to tweet this β The time is now to envision a world where all companies prioritize people and the planet. Follow @abovebottomline to keep watch on how companies respond to our biggest challenges.
Do you envision a world where all companies prioritize people and the planet? @abovethebottomline is my favorite way to keep watch on how companies respond to the biggest challenges facing humanity. Through weekly GIF-filled news and witty insights, they help people (like me!) make educated and meaningful choices at checkout.
Looking for ways to vote with your dollar? Sign up for @abovethebottomline to keep watch on how companies respond to the biggest challenges we're facing. Each week, receive a witty, GIF-filled email to help you make educated and meaningful choices at checkout.
It's 2020 and, thankfully, business as usual is over. I like to stay up-to-date on which businesses prioritize people and the planet over profits. Follow @abovethebottomline to stay informed and make meaningful choices at checkout.
Do you envision a world where all companies prioritize people and the planet? @abovethebottomline is my favorite way to keep watch on how companies respond to the biggest challenges facing humanity. Through weekly GIF-filled news and witty insights, @abovethebottomline helps me make educated and meaningful choices at checkout.
Can I get a ππΎππΎππΎ if you are tired of companies only valuing the bottom line? If you're ready to envision a world where ALL companies prioritize people and the planet, follow @abovethebottomline. Their weekly GIF-filled news helps me make educated and meaningful choices at checkout.
Who is DONE with "business as usual?" π π½ π π½ββοΈ
Me too. That's why I want to plug @abovethebottomline, a weekly GIF-filled newsletter that helps me make educated and meaningful choices at checkout. Follow @abovethebottomline to keep watch on how companies respond to the biggest challenges facing humanity.